Skin Whitening Treatments

Skin Whitening Treatments


PicoSure® Pro Laser


PicoSure® Pro Laser - The Newest Picosecond Laser, an improved version of the former and original PicoSure laser. Revolutionising the market once again with the only picosecond laser FDA-cleared to treat melasma pigment, Hori’s nevus, and nevus of Ota. Also used for tattoo removal, treatment of all types of pigmented lesions, treatment of acne scars, rejuvenating and tightening the skin and reducing wrinkles.

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NanoPore Pigmentation Therapy

A new treatment system, developed in Europe. It is a system of direct delivery of skin lightening ingredients to target the pigment cells inside the skin, which causes dark skin patches like Melasma and Post-inflammatory Hyperpigmentation. The skin becomes more receptive to the key ingredients that are infused because of this technique, thus, hastening the skin lightening results.

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Fotona StarWalker® Laser

The Most Versatile Q-Switched Laser which combines 4 wavelengths with 14 laser modalities, and combines the high energy capabilities of nanosecond lasers with the ultrashort pulse peak powers of traditional picosecond lasers, thus producing the desired results with less downtime. It is used for the Treatment of Dark Under Eye Circles, Dark Underarms, Acne, Dark Scars, Melasma, Freckles, Age Spots and Uneven Skin tone.

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LaseRenu by Lasemd of Lutronic™


LaseRenu combines a sophisticated laser system (fractional Thulium laser) together with an exclusive line of cosmeceuticals, engineered to provide an ideal environment for the medicines to be absorbed into the skin to speed healing from within. LaseRenu can address these different types of dermatological problems - dark skin pigmentations including freckles, melasma, wrinkles, sagging skin, dry & rough skin, scars, deloids, stretchmarks, and hair loss & alopecia.

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GeneO+ Facial

Advanced 3-in-1 Super Facial using patented OxyGeneo™ technology, revealing brighter and youthful skin in just one session. Combines microdermabrasion, plus deep facial rejuvenation with the infusion of essential revitalizing nutrients and healing skin through oxygenation from within. Suitable for all skin types including patients with sensitive skin and prone to keloid formation.

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Celestial Infusion

Slow IV infusion of megadose of Glutathione, Vitamin C and Whitening Boosters, coupled with Collagen, Placenta and Lipoic Acid for that super fast skin lightening, pinkish & youthful glow! Plus it has benefits of increasing physical stamina, boosting the immune system and cleansing the liver for better anti-aging and health benefits.

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Spectra™ Laser Toning

A safe, gentle and effective treatments, using low-level Q-switched Nd:Yag laser to reduce pigmentations such as melasma, age spots, dark scars from acne and rashes, dark underarms, etc.

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Chemical Peels

Nanotechnology Peels

These are chemical peels that use nanosomes, tiny vesicles similar in composition and structure to that of cell membranes, which enables them to get completely integrated into the body. Given their level of penetration and controlled release, smaller amounts of active ingredient can be used compared with other peel treatments, which reduces toxicity and other side effects.

Types of Nanotechnology Peels

  • Deep Peel - It is a unique combination of Ascorbyl glucoside, Capric triglyceride, Nicotinamide, Salicylic acid and Retinyl propionate. It is used for dark spots including melisma, acne scars, stretch marks, wrinkles and sun-damaged skin.
  • Hypopeel – This consists of Pyruvic acid and Lactic acid. It is used for dark and sensitive skin, photodamaged skin, dark scars, superficial melasma, fine lines and wrinkles and keratosis pilaris.
  • Licopeel – This is a unique combination of Glycolic acid, Lactic acid, Citric acid, Kojic acid and Salicylic acid. It is used for wrinkles, acne, open pores, dark skin pigmentations, uneven skin texture and darkness around the lip area.
  • Rejuvenating Peel - This peel contains the unique combination of Lactic acid, Arginine, Kojic acid, Arbutin, Citric acid and Aloe vera. It is best for dark and puffy eyes, dark lips, fine wrinkles & crow’s feet, dull skin and uneven skin tone.

Glyco Peel

Also called AHA or alpha hydroxyl acid peel, it is a mild, superficial chemical peel that exfoliates the top layer of the skin. It triggers the production of new collagen and elastin and, as a result, erases fine lines and wrinkles, evens out skin discoloration, and improves skin texture. There are different concentrations, appropriate for different skin types and needs of the patient’s skin. 

Spanish Peel

A deep penetrating TCA (Trichloroacetic acid) peel with multivitamin infusion. This effective regeneration facial treatment exfoliates dead layers of the skin and dramatically diminishes imperfections. The treatment works wonders for people with oily skin, fine lines, shallow acne scars, large pores and pigmentation problems.

Standard Chemical Peel

Uses TCA (Trichloroacetic acid) that exfoliate the skin to remove skin imperfections such as dark pigmentations, acne scars, fine wrinkles and large pores.

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Aqua Radiance Oxygen Peel

Facial & peeling treatment without the pain of pricking and burning sensation of chemicals on your skin. Provides non-invasive exfoliation as well as delivery of topical solutions to cleanse, exfoliate, extract and hydrate the skin safely and painlessly.

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IV Glutathione

Glutathione is an anti-oxidant that is present in our bodies. It gets depleted as we get older. Glutathione IV injection rejuvenates cells in our body, which leads to a noticeably fairer complexion, smooth and youthful skin.

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Slow IV Glutathione Drip

Megadose of glutathione, vitamin C and other whitening boosters for a faster skin lightening and rejuvenation.

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Treatment that involves Injection (Traditional Needle Mesotherapy) or Infusion (Transcutaneous Mesodermic Therapy, TMT Mesoporation) of FDA-approved pharmaceuticals and vitamins mixed with homeopathic agents into problem areas such as cellulites, fats, puffy eyes, and dark pigmented skin to improve the appearance of these areas.

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