REAL PATIENTS, REAL RESULTS: PicoSure™ Laser for Cafe au Lait Patches and Other Birthmarks

PicoSure™ Laser is the World’s Fastest Laser for Lightening Pigmentations such as Melasma, Dark scars, Tattoos, Birthmarks like Nevus of Ota & Cafe au lait patch, Dark underarms and groins. The Picosecond Technology of PicoSure™ Laser breaks down the pigments in the Quickest Time Without Epidermal Damage, thus, there is Little to No Downtime. Plus since the breakdown of pigmentations are much faster than Nanosecond lasers, you achieve improvement of pigmentations sooner than other lasers.
This patient had been embarrassed about her Cafe au lait patch (Birthmark) on her thigh. She wanted to have the fastest treatment without much downtime like open wounds and blisters. Thus, she was suggest to have PicoSure™ Laser treatment. She had only THREE (3) SESSIONS of PicoSure™ Laser and her cafe au lait patch was almost completely erased! And she reported that she only had redness and a little swelling for 2 days followed by some dryness of the area for 5 days, thus there was almost no downtime.
Want to know more about PicoSure™ Laser? Ask our Board-Certified and Internationally-Trained Dermatologist about it.
Please call us at 88088140, 88869148 or 0917-9579335, or send us an email at to schedule you consultation/treatment.