REAL PATIENTS, REAL RESULTS: Dermal Fillers for Wrinkles

Dermal Fillers like Restylane™, Volift™ by Juvederm® and Radiesse™ improve wrinkles immediately, with little or no downtime. Results last for up to 18 to 24 months, depending on the type of dermal fillers that will be used and on the ability of the body to metabolise the dermal fillers.
This patient complained about his deep Glabellar Wrinkles (wrinkles between the eyebrows) that made him look quite upset and old. 1 mL of Restylane was injected on his Glabellar Wrinkles and the results were immediate! Plus there was just a little redness and swelling, thus very minimal downtime!
Want to know more about Dermal Fillers for Wrinkles and other skin problems? Ask our Board Certified and Internationally Trained Dermatologist about it.
Please call us at 8088140, 8869148 or 0917-9579335 or send us an email at to schedule your appointment. See you at CorDerm soon! 😊