REAL PATIENTS, REAL RESULTS: Hiko™ for Non-Surgical Nose Lift


HIKO™ thread lift is a minimally invasive procedure to enhance the appearance of the nose by using fine absorbable threads which stimulates your own collagen. The threads are called Polydioxanone (PDO) and Polycaprolactone (PCL) and it allows the sharpening and straightening of the nose and the nose tip. The result is natural and long lasting.
The procedure is suitable for anyone who does not want to go under the knife but wants to improve the appearance of their nose.
The threads stimulate natural collagen production while it gradually dissolves over a period of up to 2 years, depending on the type of threads that will be used. The new collagen build up maintains the new enhanced appearance for up to 4 years! The results are appreciated instantly. Plus there is very little downtime with HIKO™ thread lift, unlike surgical nose lift/rhinoplasty.
This patient wanted to have a higher nose but didn’t want the downtime of surgical nose lift. She underwent HIKO™ thread lift and there was immediate improvement of her nose! Plus there’s as just a little swelling and slight redness from the procedure. She was happy with her new nose and gave her more confidence. 😊
Want to know more about HIKO™ Thread Lift? Ask our Board-certified & Internationally-trained Dermatologist about it.
Please call us at 88088140. 88869148 or 0917-9579335, or email at to schedule your consultation/treatment.