REAL PATIENTS, REAL RESULTS: Thermage FLX™ for Facial Rejuvenation

Thermage FLX™ is a Revolutionary treatment for Loose and Aging, Thinned-out skin. The powerful Monopolar Radiofrequency of Thermage FLX™ is unlike other RF devices out there because of its advanced technology, and immediate and longer lasting effects. Results can be seen right after the treatment, and further improve over 1 or 2 months and continue for up to 6 months. The Rejuvenating Effects of Thermage FLX™ lasts for up to 2 years. Moreover, there is also very little to no downtime for Thermage FLX™.
This 63-year-old patient came to our clinic to have a treatment for her aging face, manifested by Deep Nasolabial Folds, Forehead Wrinkles, Cheek Lines and Marionette Lines. She wanted to have a treatment that will have immediate effects but with little to no downtime because of her busy schedule. Thermage FLX™ was done on her whole face and it totally rejuvenated face! Plus, there was only mild swelling and pinkish hue of her skin so almost no downtime. She was very happy that the results were immediate, and she was informed that there will be more improvement after 1 to 2 months and will continue to get better up to 6 months.
Want to know more about Thermage FLX™? Ask our Board-Certified and Internationally-Trained Dermatologist about it.
Please call us at 88088140, 88869148 or 0917-9579335, or send us an email at to schedule your consultation/treatment.